2016 Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum
Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics organizează în data de 11 februarie 2016 prima ediție a Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum (RE...
Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics organizează în data de 11 februarie 2016 prima ediție a Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum (RE...
It has become very difficult to update this blog, but I am trying. Meanwhile, here is a reading I warmly recommend: Protecting Human Rights in the Fight against...
In spatiul romanesc, nu exista nici o publicatie despre etica in activitatea politistilor. Nici macar articole prin reviste. Sau cel putin nu am aflat eu de ele...
We have managed to publish the final agenda for the 4th edition of the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics. Here is a day-to-day version. This year, we decid...
De doi ani de zile ma gandesc si schitez un mecanism de incurajare a productiilor stiintifice in domeniul eticilor aplicate. Iar solutia cea mai convenabila la ...
The 8th Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies will be held in Madrid on June 17-20, 2010. Along with the Conference there will be a Pa...
Pe 15 octombrie, am participat in calitate de moderator la a cincea editie a seminarului “IT-Finantare-Profitabilitate”. Evenimentul cu pricina s-a ...