2016 Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum
Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics organizează în data de 11 februarie 2016 prima ediție a Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum (RE...
All kinds of events: conferences, lectures, workshops, training programs, etc. // Tot felul de evenimente: conferinte, prelegeri, workshop-uri, programe de training etc.
Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics organizează în data de 11 februarie 2016 prima ediție a Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum (RE...
The Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum (RECF), February 11, 2016, is the first regular event taking place in Romania for Ethics & Compliance professiona...
We have good news about our summer school: the 2013 Transylvania PhD Summer School: Normative Approaches to CSR is on its way. Next week, we will launch its off...
Avem confirmari noi pentru cele doua mese rotunde din cadrul Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2011: “Ethical Aspects in New and Emerging Technologie...
We have managed to publish the final agenda for the 4th edition of the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics. Here is a day-to-day version. This year, we decid...
De doi ani de zile ma gandesc si schitez un mecanism de incurajare a productiilor stiintifice in domeniul eticilor aplicate. Iar solutia cea mai convenabila la ...
What are the ethical challenges raised by the new and emerging technologies? How will these technologies affect the way we perceive ourselves and the society at...
We have just published the final draft of the BUCHAREST CONFERENCE IN APPLIED ETHICS 2010 agenda: http://www.bcae.ro/2010_agenda.php OCTOBER 29, 2010 – FR...
We invite paper proposals for a panel on the topic of ?Ethics in Romanian Cinema.? The panel will be organized in conjunction with the second edition of the Rom...
Aud din ce in ce mai mult o imbecilitate ‘marxista’, chiar si din gura unor asa-zisi intelectuali, conform careia capitalismul creeaza disparitati, ...