Sub titlul “The Romanian Dog Massacre Begins”, o anume Rita Pal, “Independent Medical Journalist. Former Psychiatrist and NHS Whistleblower” afirma urmatoarele:
One campaigner showed me a picture of a lovely collie. The poster said “This is Flash, he was going to be adopted, what happened to the 14 day rule? Today, he was murdered by the country that breaks its own rules”. K. Lunstrum wrote “Flash was going to travel to his new home in October, before he could be taken to a safe place he was found killed today” .
Bucharest is fast becoming a haunting reminder of Auschwitz, a death camp for dogs. Higher authorities in the European Union, bound in red tape, appear unable to prevent this massacre while we watch and wait powerlessly for it to begin – as each playful bark disappears, we ask ourselves, when did we elect politicians to kill the vulnerable? (Sursa:
Ca si reprezentantii Asociatiei Cutu-Cutu, despre care banuiesc ca sunt in spatele materialului de presa din “Huffington Post”, autoarea compara o eventuala eutanasiere legala a cainilor comunitari nerevendicati cu chinurile indurate de poporul evreu in timpul Holocaustului. In opinia mea, aceasta este o insulta la adresa tuturor victimelor Holocaustului si ar trebui sa fie sanctionata public. Mai mult, este o strategie murdara de manipulare a opiniei publice.
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