We have good news about our summer school: the 2013 Transylvania PhD Summer School: Normative Approaches to CSR is on its way. Next week, we will launch its official website. The summer school is opened to all those completing a MA/PhD degree on Corporate Social Responsibility or Business Ethics. The event is being organized under the auspices of Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj) in association with EDHEC Business School (Lille), the Hoover Chair (Louvain) and CARMAE (Bucharest). Our speakers are: Axel Gosseries (Belgium), Anca Gheaus (UK), Mikael Petitjean (Belgium), Geert Demuijnck (France), Ion Copoeru (Romania), and Cristian Ducu (Romania). Further details will be available on www.etica-aplicata.ro.