This is the 2nd day of the European CSR Lessons. I have great expectations for today because I have the tough mission of chairing the second panel. Wish me luck!
Panel 1
Mona Nicolici (OMV Petrom)
- I must admit they came a long way from what they used to do as CSR. Now, finally, they are concentrating on the aspects that have direct and significant impact on their activities: from reducing incidents (car accidents, pollution incidents, labour conditions and so on) to helping their communities become more independent through social economy.
Andrea Brbaklic (Erste Bank Serbia)
- She presented a classic case of PR related to their presence in the Serbian communities.
Andreia Cucu (Glaxo)
- So far, a corporate presentation about what the company does. Only general remarks about their “responsibility” and involvement in the local communities. Again, disappointment.
- Andreia’s presentation has been supplemented by another presentation delivered by Glaxo’s partner in a project for the Danube Delta communities. It is interesting their project, if we look at the type of services they provided, but the results are on short term. The project aimed, if I understood correctly, at assessing the health of the people living in the Danube Delta communities.
- They have a continuation of the project that will aim at providing education on healthcare issues.
Corina Vasile (Raiffeisen Bank)
- Another classic presentation, meaning no clear case study but a lot of information about what the company does as part of their “CSR project”.
- John’s question was really good: what does Raiffeisen Bank to ensure its activities do not have a negative impact on the local communities if we take into consideration the fact the organization didn’t sign the Ecuator Agreement?
Elena Serban (Vodafone Foundation)
- Elena talks about a CSR project named “Professional Volunteer”, launched in 2002. I have serious doubts that this project can be called Social Responsibility in the traditional understanding of the concept. But I think this project is a very good example of creative idea in the NGO sector to involve the corporate employees and the companies in changing a little bit the local community.